Explore the world with our study trips

To travel is to live – that was already known by the Danish poet H.C. Andersen. With this spirit in mind we offer organized study trips regarding different topics in many interesting locations. 

Discover Castles and Fortresses between Rhein and Lahn, enjoy the French cuisine in Périgord or get inspired by the coastal islands Bornholm and Hiddensee. 

In our study trips you explore places you probably would have missed on your own and you receive exciting background knowledge provided by our experienced travel guides. 

Akademiezentrum Sankelmark Pommersche Impressionen - Caspar David Friedrich und Rügen
  • 16.09.2024 – 19.09.2024
  • History and Archaeology, Art and Culture, Art and Culture
  • Plätze frei
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Akademiezentrum Sankelmark Estland – Geschichte und Identität eines erstaunlichen Landes
  • 02.10.2024, 08:00 – 20:00 Uhr
  • History and Archaeology, Art and Culture, Art and Culture, Literature and Music
  • Veranstaltung abgesagt
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Akademiezentrum Sankelmark Bischöfliche Pracht und Orgelklang. Eine Orgelreise über Bremen ins Groninger Land
  • 24.10.2024 – 27.10.2024
  • Kulturelles, Art and Culture, Literature and Music
  • Plätze frei
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Akademiezentrum Sankelmark Advent im Hirschberger Tal
  • 27.11.2024 – 01.12.2024
  • Kulturelles, Art and Culture
  • Plätze frei
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Akademiezentrum Sankelmark "Paradies am Oberrhein" - eine Reise zu Glücksorten im Elsass und in Baden
  • 23.04.2025 – 30.04.2025
  • Art and Culture, Literature and Music
  • Plätze frei
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Discover further offers

Are you interested in an even broader programme of courses or are you looking for different premises for your event? Visit our partner  institutions: Like us, the IBJ Scheersberg and Nordsee Akademie belong to the German Border Association.

Rapsfeld vor der IBJ Scheersberg.
Bildungsstätte Scheersberg Zur Website
Menschen unterhalten sich vor der Nordsee Akademie.
Nordsee Akademie Zur Website
Deutscher Grenzverein e. V. Deutscher Grenzverein e. V.

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